Two Resolutions Introduced to Expel Householder, Ohio's former Speaker

Democrats and Republicans in Ohio introduced individual resolutions to expel Larry Householder, Ohio’s former Speaker, after prosecutors charged him for conspiracy related to the $61 million donation from First Energy Corp. 66 members will need to vote for expulsion.

Connected to the utility scandal, the Cleveland City Council President, Kevin Kelley, subpoenaed several employees of Generation Now Ohio, Inc., Fifth Third and Huntington banks to testify.

Read more from Energy Choice’s post this week, as well as the excerpt below.


“For months one House Republican and one House Democrat have been trying to hammer out a deal on when to introduce a resolution to expel former Speaker Larry Householder, who was arrested last year on federal bribery and racketeering charges. 

Those negotiations came to an end Tuesday afternoon when three Democrats announced their own plans to introduce a resolution on Wednesday.

"We realized this wasn't going to start unless Democrats took the lead," Rep. Jeff Crossman, D-Parma, said. "They were going to file something weeks ago and then it never happened."

 A few hours later, two House Republicans filed a resolution to remove Householder from office. 

"We have always believed that this is a resolution that should be originating from our caucus," Rep. Brian Stewart, R-Ashville, said in an interview.

Stewart couldn't say what happened to the bipartisan plan. Those conversations were between Crossman and Newark Rep. Mark Fraizer, who didn't return a request for comment. 

"My understanding from Mark is the Democratic members broke off from that and said they were going to do their own thing," Stewart said. "I haven't seen their resolution."

The case against Householder

Federal agents arrested Householder at his Perry County home back in July 2020.

Prosecutors accused him and four other men of illegally conspiring together to pass a state bailout of two nuclear power plants. The indictment alleged the men got $61 million in donations from First Energy Corp. and affiliated companies to elect supportive Republicans to office, pass the bailout and then stop opponents from putting the law on the ballot for a vote by all Ohioans. 

Householder maintains his innocence. But two of the men arrested with Householder have pleaded guilty and so has Generation Now, the nonprofit prosecutors accused of moving money for the massive bribery scheme. 

The Ohio House removed Householder from his position as speaker a few weeks after his arrest, but lawmakers stalled on whether to remove him from office. 

Some, like Rep. Bill Seitz, R-Green Township, have maintained an innocent until proven guilty stance. 

Others like Republican House Speaker Bob Cupp, R-Lima, initially said they were waiting until the new term started in January. The former Ohio Supreme Court justice didn't think an official could be legally expelled twice for the same thing.

Householder ran unopposed and won a third term with more than 70% of the vote

Cupp has been tight-lipped about where his caucus stands on expelling Householder since January, telling reporters each week that he has no news on the issue. Though he reiterates his wish that Householder would "do the right thing" and resign.

Voting him out

Expulsion requires a two-thirds vote or 66 members. The Ohio GOP holds 64 seats in the House while Democrats have 35. 

"This has to be bipartisan," Crossman said. 

And Stewart agreed. He said he hopes most of the Ohio House will be able to get behind the resolution to remove Householder from office. 

When asked whether Cupp supported the resolution, Stewart said leadership "was aware" of their plans to file Tuesday. The speaker, who didn't respond to a request for comment, has the power to keep all bills – including resolutions – from getting a vote. Committee chairs can also delay the process by simply not holding hearings. 

But Stewart things there is "significant support for expulsion within the Republican caucus."

"Rep. Fraizer has had this resolution and has been working on it and talking about it with our colleagues for months," Stewart said. "We've been trying to respect the deliberative process ... but we believe that the time for waiting and talking and deliberating is done. It's time to bring the issue for a vote."“


The whole story can be found at the Columbus Dispatch.