North Texas Residential Solar Panels Yield No Electricity Bill

Erin Moran profiles Tracy Wallace and Mark McCollom, North Texas residents, who installed a 10.1-kilowatt solar panel system on their roof in 2019. Now, they’re reporting to frequently receive negative energy bills.

Moran highlights several important takeaways:

  • Their story is representative of Texas as the second-largest solar energy producer in 2020, just behind California. Within five years, Texas will outpace California.

  • “There is a 26% federal income tax credit for installing solar panels on your home and depending on where you live there could be local tax credits, as well. There are also ways to finance a system, such as leasing and lease-purchase agreements.”

  • “The energy generated by the solar panels can certainly reduce the stress overall on the energy grid. But if you’re wondering whether the panels can power your home through a blackout, the answer is yes…if you have battery storage.”

Read more about Tracy and Mark’s story at CBS 11.