Glick: FERC actions 'freeze out' states, court would overturn MOPR order

  • The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's recent actions interpreting the Natural Gas Act and the Federal Power Act "freeze out the states," Democratic Commissioner Rich Glick told a crowd of state energy officials on Wednesday.

  • Glick was the sole dissenting voice on the commission for a number of opinions, including the order establishing a Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) in the PJM Interconnection, which would force resources that receive state subsidies, like renewables and nuclear energy, to bid into the capacity market at a higher price level. He believes FERC acted outside of its jurisdiction through the order.

  • Scheduling for the rehearing decision on the MOPR will be determined by Chairman Neil Chatterjee. FERC faces a backlog of other requests for rehearings on orders, and stakeholders cannot litigate matters under the Federal Power Act or Natural Gas Act until a rehearing decision is made. 

Read the full article at Utility Drive.