The Arizona Republic recently published a pretty through story on the growing push to open the state’s utility market to competition. We’d just note that full competition for all customers - commercial and residential - is the best option.
“Someday soon in Arizona, you might get to pick your energy company rather than have no choice but to use the one that serves your neighborhood.
“Arizona Corporation Commissioners recently spent two days discussing energy deregulation, alternately referred to as "re-regulation" or retail competition.
“The state regulators are crafting rules that would allow independent power producers to compete for customers with the big electric companies like Arizona Public Service Co.
“Proponents of the concept say that having electric companies compete for customers would drive down prices and improve customer service and reliability. They contend that electric companies have little reason to improve their operations because they have no threat of losing unhappy customers, unlike other businesses.
“The discussion is just getting started, but it promises to be contentious.”
Read the full story at