Kudos to Florida Power and Light for showing that the true intention of its “SolarTogether” program is to block competition and punish customers who seek the freedom to choose their own energy service provider. And instead of saving customers money, FPL’s program would charge end users a monthly premium for the privilege of participating.
From the Miami Herald: FPL’s “SolarTogether” program invites customers to participate in a groundbreaking solar program aimed at lowering costs and investing in highly sought clean energy. Customers would be able to voluntarily participate by paying a premium each month and later receiving credits for savings produced by the program.
But there was a catch.
The original proposal, filed March 13, included an exclusionary penalty for customers who do not support the “continuity of the program,” specifically those who support deregulation efforts like the Citizens for Energy Choices ballot initiative, according to Public Service Commission documents and video recordings of a public meeting obtained by the Miami Herald.
Under the proposal’s “limitation of service,” “any customer taking service under a metered rate schedule [...] and who supports continuity of the program is eligible to participate.” After questioning from PSC staff and inquiries by the Miami Herald on how this exclusionary rule would be enforced and who would be excluded, FPL deleted the clause from its proposal.
“After carefully considering all of the information we received, we let [PSC] staff know we are removing this particular provision from the program,” FPL spokesman Chris McGrath wrote in an email Tuesday night.
Read the full story at the Miami Herald. And then go sign the petition for energy freedom.