A picture is worth a thousand words; political cartoons are worth a million

We love cartoons. We have been publishing the acerbic visual commentary of Kenneth Catalino for years. We were recently introduced to the political cartoons of J.D. Crowe in Alabama’s AL.com who has long been documenting political corruption in Alabama. Crowe most recently has been targeting the sharp end of his ink pen at Alabama Power and its plan to bury legacy coal ash storage ponds at ratepayers’ expense.


Crowe’s artwork has tracked the ongoing corruption and deception of the monopolist Alabama Power as it has tried to cover up its coal ash problem from Alabama residents. According to reporter John Sharp of AL.com, critics of Alabama Power’s plan to close its 600-acre coal ash storage pond near Mobile, Alabama could contaminate an area referred to as “North America’s Amazon.”

Alabama Power is spending $3.3 billion to close its six coal ash ponds located throughout the state. The expense led the company to hike customer utility rates 3 percent last year. Vaughn Millner of the Alabama chapter of the Sierra Club says the plan to deal with 21 million tons of toxic coal ash in an unlined pond surrounded on three sides by the Mobile River, a short distance from Mobile Bay, wetlands, and the larger Mobile Tensaw Delta that feeds it, must be stopped.
