Principles of Consumer Choice

We’ve long been dedicated followers of the great work of the DER Task Force and were excited to learn that the community is close to finalizing their first policy whitepaper and DER Bill of Rights. Expanding the rights of consumers is at the heart of our mission here at the Energy Choice Coalition, so we’re excited to have the DER Task Force engaged and eager to see what they come up with in the new year. In the meantime, we’ve been building our own list of principles of consumer choice. Check them out below and let us know your thoughts.

Consumers deserve electricity …

  • Lowest Possible Cost. Customers have a right to electricity that is affordable.

  • Energy Choice. Consumers have a right to choose the type of energy that they use.

  • Reliability. Electricity should be reliable and secure.

  • Competition. Competitive markets lead to higher quality and lower cost options.

  • Transparency. Customers deserve to know what they are paying for and why.

  • Property Rights. Customers should be able to generate and store their own electricity and be fairly compensated for the excess energy they generate and provide to the grid.

  • Economic Development. Customers and their communities should benefit from the jobs and investments made as a result of the growth in the clean energy economy.

  • Risk Management. Investing in a wide range of technologies minimizes the risks associated with any particular technology.

  • Equity. All customers should have access to different energy supply options.

  • Governance. Customers should be protected from unfair charges and hidden fees.