Majority of Americans Support Energy Choice

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According to the latest national online poll released by the Conservative Energy Network (CEN), the ability for consumers to choose their energy supplier is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Eighty percent of voters said they support reforms to the existing state electricity systems that would give consumers a greater choice of where they purchase power and what kind of resources are used to generate that power. Meanwhile, 74 percent said they support injecting more competition in electricity markets to accelerate innovation and the availability of new technologies.  

This is the fifth consecutive year that the CEN has sponsored the National Clean Energy Survey, the results of which consistently show bipartisan support for market-based policies to support renewable energy and lowering carbon emissions.

The poll found that a plurality of Americans supports research and improving market structures to address climate change. The majority of voters (55 percent) said climate change was important to how they voted in the November 2020 election.

The national survey was conducted for CEN by Public Opinion Strategies on Dec. 16-22, 2020, among 1,000 actual voters.